November 29, 2013

sparkly friday


i haven't participated in black friday since i was in high school when i went a couple of times with my mom and sister. people are crazy. i was thisss close to braving the lines this year in hopes of an ipad air but target opened their doors at 8pm right as i was digging into my second helping of turkey and mashed potatoes. but let's be real, i'm a sissy when it comes to the cold so the thought of standing in lines without feeling in my extremities (dramatic?) appealed to me far less than sipping on my frosty glass of champagne. 

so instead of black friday, i'm deciding to add a little sparkle and prepare for the rest of the holidays by trimming my tree and cooking up my first thanksgiving leftover meal. i'm thinking something along the lines of a turkey and cranberry breakfast bagel? i love being my own recipe guinea pig

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